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To Poe Or Not To Poe ;)

Have you ever taken part in a project that turned out to be a bit challenging?
There is always a creative solution and today Kasia is sharing her story of how she dealed with Mr Edgar Allan Poe. ;)

For a few years I've been taking part in a travelling art journals swap organized by my Polish friends.
It's been a great challenge and motivation to confront our skills with a variety of subjects.
My results aren't always perfect and I'm not always happy with them, but the final effect aside, I'm always enriched by a new experience as some subjects could be very difficult to me.

The art journal below is no exception. Its owner wanted me to create pages inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's writings and to be honest... I really don't like Poe's style...

How to create such a personal piece like a page in an art journal about something that is so far away from your own nature? I thought that there had to be something that Poe's said or wrote that I could relate to.
So I searched the internet and there it was, a short quote that I can totally agree with:
"Not in knowledge is happiness, but in the acquisition of knowledge!"

To create the background for these words, I used pieces of papers, new Finnabair's Art Basics pastes and gesso together with my stencils from The Crafter's Workshop.
To add some color, I painted with Silks from LuminArte in very warm shades.

And this is what I learned while doing this page: It's not always easy to find myself in other people's poetry, but searching for it can be very interesting and enlightening, because it's all about the acquisition of knowledge, right? :)

Supplies from Mixed Media Place:


  1. Gorgeous pages, Kasia!! love the vibrant look!!

  2. oh oh il love that
    i am so impatient to meet you


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