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Bend It Like Beckham :)

Agnieszka Anna is known and loved for her altered art.
Do you remember her magical spoon?
Today, she comes with another extraordinary altered creation...
[today's title for the post was borrowed from this great movie. :) ]

For a couple of years I've been asked to create a trophy for an amateur women's tournament in soccer.
I'm very lucky to be given total creative freedom when it comes to the shape and the whole look of this prize.
This year, I've decided that it will be a woman's head covered with bits of a football.

To create this special trophy I used a plastic head that is used on shop displays.
I glued bits of newspapers and primed them with gel medium mixed with white acrylic paint.

The most difficult part was to glue the patches from a football on such an uneven surface.
But thanks to extra heavy gel medium they hold very well.
When everything dried, I painted another layer of gel medium to prepare good priming for acrylic paints.

My next step was painting with metallic acrylic paints also mixed with gel medium to make them translucent and to leave the newspapers visible beneath.
To make the whole thing more shiny and glamorous, I added the final touch of some watered down Inka Gold metallic rub.

Materials from Mixed Media Place:


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