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Ocean Blue - By Georgie C

Hi folks

I’m here sharing with you today a mixed media layout I have created using 7 Dots papers.

I used Brain Freeze paper from the Cotton Candy range for the background piece. Then applied various mini Prima stamps with blue,black and grey Archival ink to the background.

Using the bubbles stencil from Finnabair I lightly sprayed Glistening Waves Color Bloom spray, holding from a distance to lightly build up bubble definition. Then, turning the stencil over I used the remaining ink that landed on the stencil and pressed into the paper to create another cool pattern.

For the next stencil, I used 7 Dots Stars Stencil, using Light Paste and adding WOW black glittering embossing powder over the top. Heat dried so the powder melted on top of the paste

Then I mixed up Finnabair’s Modeling Paste with Deep Waters Archival Ink, and whilst still wet I added Micro Beads and Mini Art Stones for extra sea-worthy texture

Once my stencilling was done, I used Destination Unknown 7 Dots papers in 6 x 6 to build the background for my photo to sit on, adding in Scrapiniec pieces, more Deep Waters Art Alchemy paint, glass glitter and mini art stones. I also added some Mechanical pieces and enamel dots for extra interest to the page.

Here are some more close ups:

That’s it from me for today, hope you enjoyed and do come back again soon  to see more gorgeous inspiration from my teamies.

With Warmest Wishes

Mixed Media Place supplies:


  1. This is stunning layout!!!! I love it, wonderful!

    1. Thank you so much Olya, you're so kind xx

  2. Stunning!! Love this !! Beautiful colors!!

  3. Georgie, I love all your layouts but this one might possibly be my new favourite. You have set that beautiful photograph off to perfection. I love the neutral colours and the wonderful textures you have created with the paste, embossing powders and Scrapiniec pieces. Beautiful work! Anne xx

    1. I think we both have a soft spot for nautical themes :) thank you so much for your kind words Anne xx

  4. Beautiful nautical layout, Georgie! The textures are oh so yummy with all the pastes, powders, glitters and art stones. Such a brilliant design! Sending hugs!

  5. I can see, now I have my specs on, that not only are the colours fabulous but there is such amazing textures! Wow!! Chrisx


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