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'Fairy in a cup'- mixed media on wood by TandiArt + video

Hello Arsty Souls! Sylwia here from my tiny TandiArt Studio with my first project for amazing Mixed Media Place. I am so happy to be here an to be able to share with you my art work. This is my first post and I am so excited!!!!

I decided to make my favourite and very TandiArt style Fairy-girl:) In this piece I had chance to play with new mediums, paints and brushes designed by Finnabair. Of course I love them!!! I think my number one is a silicone brush. It is amazing for smoothing down the surface and getting rid of unwanted air bubbles when you glue down pieces of paper. Another advantage of the brush is that... its immortal!!:DDD You can leave it covered in paint (that's how I 'kill' most of my brushes) and wash it even few days after. Perfect for messy person like me:)

I also love Heavy Body Gel Medium. It is powerful gel which holds even very heavy pieces. And of course Art Alchemy paints...very gentle, a little bit transparent so perfect for reviling layers of yummy papers and texture underneath;)

I could be writing here all day about fantastic products from the shop but Hey!, there is a video tutorial for you so you can see all the 'art babies' in action! Enjoy!

I hope I inspired you to be brave and play with your art supplies:)
Love, xx

Supplies from Mixed Media Place:


  1. Wow! I so love this girl !!!
    Вау! мне так нравится эта барышня!!!

  2. I love this piece, all the layers, texture and the composition. It's a fab first post. x

  3. Beautiful project and its colours are awesome!

  4. This project is stunning! Thank you for the video!

  5. Lovely project, I agree with the comments the colours are fab!Thanks for sharing!

  6. Great video tutorial!!TFS Sylwia!!

  7. love love love!! cannot wait to get my Finn products out and hopefully create something just as beautiful. Thanks for the tut.

  8. So fun and beautiful! I love all the little hearts. :)

  9. Wow. Love how you built up the layers in the background. Absolutely gorgeous textures and colour. The cute girl at the end is the icing on the cake. Thanks for capturing on video.

  10. Stunning project! thank you soo much for sharing with us :):*
    Kisses :* Paulina

  11. wow Amazing Project I love your Style TFS


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