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Twinkle Twinkle... :)

Hello, everyone!
Today I'd like to share my new art journal page.

Dzisiaj chciałabym wam pokazać nową stronę w moim art żurnalu.

This time it is not layered and you won't find here a lot of elements and different kinds of media.
The most important here are Twinkling H2O's watercolor paints. I just doodled this childlike drawing on a piece of watercolor paper in Prima Mixed-Media Book. Then I added some colors with Twinkling H2O's using a lot of water with smaller and bigger soft brushes.

Tym razem nie znajdziecie tu niezliczonych warstw, mnóstwa elementów albo mediów. Najważniejszym medium w tej pracy są farbki Twinkling H2O. Zwyczajnie nabazgrałam ten dziecinny rysunek na akwarelowym papierze w Mixed-Media Book od Primy. Potem zaczęłam kolorowanie używając akwareli Twinkling H2O i wody. Nakładałam je mniejszymi i większymi, miękkimi pędzlami.

As you can see H2O paints have such a beautiful color palette so you can use them to create whatever you want.

Jak widzicie farby H2O są dostępne w przepięknej palecie kolorystycznej, więc można z ich pomocą stworzyć naprawdę wszystko.

As for now this is my favorite way to journal - doodling and watercolors. You should definitely try it because it's just simple and very pleasant.

W tym momencie to mój ulubiony sposób żurnalowania - bazgranie i akwarele. Musicie spróbować, bo to po prostu bardzo przyjemne, a do tego łatwe.

Materials used by Kasia / Materiały użyte przez Kasia:


  1. Love your work! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Absolutely wonderful - your "doodle" looks like art to me!
    Alison x

  3. A beautiful sketch!!!!!!! Love it

  4. I really like your work and don't see anything child like about it. You've drawn a very balanced and shaded housing area. I see the fence, the arbor, trees, sidewalk, houses, skyline and mountains and they have beautiful colors. I'm very curious about two things; on the bingo card is a beautiful flower. Is it a stamp or did you draw it? And the roof of the round house has images I can't make out, or see exactly what they are. Whatever they are they are beautiful. They look like leaves. Can you let me know? I'm a very curious person who likes to study art work. Thanks so much


  5. Stunning... Simply Stunning. I admire the white space in this creation and I feel that you have created an amazing work. Thank you for sharing your talents with us. Sarinda


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