

Perfection is overrated by Lanette Erickson

Hello all you lovely crafty souls!

Today, I'm sharing a tiny mixed media canvas packed full of beautiful purples! I used a mix of Finnabair's Amazing acrylics to bring this canvas together. My inspiration came from the pack of Rusty Labels, once I read this label I knew I had to use it. Paired with a resin corset from my stash my canvas came together. 

With a simple touch of  White Gold Wax the Rusty Label  was transformed to shiny to match this sparkly canvas.

For final touches I  had to add a bit of sparkle with Magic Potion Effect Paste, I just love the sparkle this paste creates!

If you would like to see how I created this canvas start to finish you can watch it on my YouTube channel I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Thank you so much for stopping by today!  I hope I have inspired you to get a little paint on your hands! Hugs, until next time have fun creating!


Mixed Media Place Products Used:

1 comment:

  1. This is gorgeous! I love all the metallic and sparkly bits!


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