

Hopes and desires by Lisa Rabellino

Hi creative souls!

Lisa Rabellino today on the blog to show you my latest mixed media canvas playing with Finnabair products, new Liquid Acrylics Paints and Diva collection from Ab Studio papers!

To start I brushed my canvas with a coat of White Cracklè Texture Paste and I let It dry. Meanwhile I brushed some chipboards with White Sand Texture Paste and then I colored them with Liquid Acrylic Prussian Blue. 

To color the background of my canvas I used Liquid Acrylic Crimson blended with water to give a watercolor effect. Later I tapped White Heavy Gesso here and there. 

So I chose Diva papers collection from AB Studio and I cut some flowers, leaves and tags to create my embellishments.

I glued chipboards, flowers and paper elements down using Heavy Body Gel. I also took some Finnabair Mechanicals with a few touches of color to give more details on my project.

To finish I added Finnabair Art Stones and Glass Beads with Soft Matte Gel and I made splatters with Dragon's Eye Alchemy Liquid Paint.

I hope you enjoyed my project today

Thanks for stopping by with me! 


Mixed Media Place supplies:

1 comment:

  1. Stunningly beautiful! Love the colours, Cathy x


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