

Marina Ignatova - December Guest Designer

Marina Ignatova is a winner of our October challenge. She created beautiful canvas that reflects our December moodboard. Marina has written a few words about herself - enjoy meeting her!

Hello! My name is Marina Ignatova and I'm from Russia. I live in a small town called Maykop. I have a wonderful family: husband and two sons who adore my work.

Now I will tell you a little bit about myself. I'm a creative programmer. And sometimes I feel that sooner or later this inspired part of me will oust all technical qualities of my soul. But on the other side the probability of such situation is very small until there is a perfectionist inside of me. So the only solution is to try to combine both aspects.

Also I can sleep less! Due to this I can create all night long just for my pure pleasure. The main things are: having an idea, pleasing muse and beautiful and high-quality materials. Generally I love this quality in myself.

Thank you so much to the Mixed Media Place team for inviting. I’m thrilled and honoured to be here with such a talented group of artists.

December moodboard just drove me crazy! It's beautiful! And these stunning deep colors, and the winter atmosphere, and colorful glare.

I tried to reflect this moodboard to my canvas "time of miracles!". Do you believe in the magic of this time of year?!

I hope I inspired you!

Mixed Media Place supplies:


  1. Шикарная работа, Марина, как всегда глаз не оторвать!)

  2. Волшебная палитра, сказочный сюжет и золотые ручки!

  3. Hey Marina,
    What a amazing beautiful Christmas lay-out wowwwww 🤗🤗
    Mvg gina Belgium


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