

New Design Team members

We are happy and proud to announce, that two new ladies are joining our team. They both loves mixed-media world and we are pretty sure, you have seen both ladies' creations already. Their first projects for Mixed Media Place will be shown on our blog in April. Please say warm welcome to two new, wonderful and talented ladies!


My name is Katja Joulak and in social medias I call myself for Mezzanotte. I have been creating all my life. I also have a creative work, as a craft textile craft teacher.  2012 I did my first cards and since then I am stucked with papercraft and mixedmedia. Mixedmedia are now a big part of my life.  Love to have messy hands, full of medias and color. Love to create different mixedmedia projects.  I do cards, layouts, canvases, albums, art journal, ATC and also altered projects. I like to challenge myself all the time. New products and new way of thinking get me exicted.  I have experience from  many designteams in Sweden. Here in Sweden I have workshops and mixedmedia classes for shops and on some events. So now I am so happy and grateful that Anna, Andrzej and Tusia have give me this opportunity to design for Mixed Media Place.

My name is Ludivine and I am very happy to be able to become a new member of this magnificent creative team.

I am married and a mom of a magnificent girl, that soon will turn 3! I have been scrapbooking for almost 9 years and my style have not stopped evolving. Three years ago I discovered the universe of  mixed-media and since than I can't help using all the paints, gels and other media. I adore creating canvas and home decorations rich in textures.

The scrap is for me a universe where one can escape and allow oneself to be taken by creativity and  imagination. I hope, that thanks to this DT, you will be able to join my universe and see it with your own eyes. Soon you will have a chance to see my first creation for Mixed Media Place!

Scrap kisses!


  1. Congrats ladies. Very awesome. Looking forward to your creations

  2. Congratulations ladies πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

  3. Congratulations!!!! You're both amazing!!! xxx

  4. Welcome and congratulations!

  5. Wow.. many congratulations ladies.. πŸ‘πŸ»


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