

Is Comfort Zone Such A Bad Thing?

We keep hearing how important it is to step out of your comfort zone but.... is it always?
Maybe sometimes it's worth staying there for a while... ;)

Hello everybody! Hope you are spending a beautiful and creative weekend. But if you need some inspiration, I'm here to show you my latest art journal pages.

Sometimes I feel the need to create in the style I used in the past. To take a few steps back and work in a way that makes me feel very comfortable and safe.

As you can see, I played with layering most of all. It's not only about paper layers but also layers of watercolor paint and stamps. That always gives my works a very detailed appearance.

The paint was applied on a very wet paper that was first primed with gesso. When it was dry, I worked with different background stamps using many colors of permanent ink.

I know I keep saying "try new things and experiment" but I also noticed that staying in your comfort zone can sometimes give you freedom to express yourself without worrying about the techniques.

Materials from Mixed Media Place:

p.s. Have you seen this exciting piece of news shared by Finnabair?!
For more information see her blog and...well, in this case it's totally worth stepping out of your comfort zone to face a thrilling new mixed media adventure! :)


  1. There's nothing wrong with the comfort zone - especially when it leads to something this beautiful.
    Alison x

  2. I love this style of yours Kasia!!

  3. Love this, delicate but punchy at the same time.


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